It’s October, and that means it’s Eye Injury Prevention Month — no, seriously. To support the cause, we’ve pooled together some big-screen eye-related horrors to guarantee you’ll steer clear of eye poking, plucking, slicing, and any other threats to your vision. Heed their warning, because there’s some high-quality cinema coming to theaters in the next few months that you’re going to want to be able to see.
Un Chien Andalou
If “eye stuff” in movies gets you (meaning you’re probably in the majority), don’t watch the opening sequence of Luis Bunuel’s 1929 debut film, which has been ranked as one of the most shocking in film history and probably gets shown to poor Filmmaking 101 students at schools everywhere. If you have seen it and wondered how it was done, it was a dead calf’s eye that Bunuel took a razor to.
Click here to read more.